Completed Forrester Mastering Customer Experience course in 07/2022. Certification indicates knowledge, application, and experience in the discipline of customer experience (CX).
Graduted M.S in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with distinction.
Graduated B.A in Design and B.A Art Studio with honors.
Cynthia believe that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty. She always find a way to make things more exciting, whether it’s a work project or an everyday situation. She infects others with enthusiasm, and that’s why they love being around her. In a team environment, she is grateful for people and circumstances, generous with praise and quick to point out the positive side of every situatio
Cynthia is driven to implement her vision, often sacrificing personal comfort.
• Wants to understand what motivates people and is insightful about others.
• Persistent and insistent about communicating her vision.
• Great leader when she devotes herself to carrying out a sound inspiration, attracting followers with their enthusiasm and faith.
• She always see possibilities for how to help others dev
USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification. Qualified to be the lead Instructor for an Explore Archery Program.